Docker-compose: sqlite connection to phpliteadmin

I installed node-red-node-sqlite and started to configure my tables and so on but was quite slow so i decided to install phpliteadmin beside node-red:latest (by today 2.0.5) within docker-compose.
But i don't understand how to configure docker-compose correctly to have access to the db file laying in /data/sqlite.db in my node-red-data volume.

the docker-compose.yaml file looks like this:

# Node-RED Stack or Compose
# docker stack deploy node-red --compose-file docker-compose-node-red.yml
# docker-compose -f docker-compose-node-red.yml -p myNoderedProject up
version: "3.7"

    image: 'nodered/node-red:latest'
      - 'TZ=Europe/Zurich'
      - 'NODE_ENV=production'
    network_mode: host
      - '1880:1880'
      - 'node-red-data:/data'
    restart: 'always'

    image: 'vtacquet/phpliteadmin'
    hostname: phpliteadmin
    container_name: "phpliteadmin"
      - 'node-red-data:/data/sqlite.db'
      - "1890:80"
      - TZ=Europe/Zurich
      - PASSWORD=mypass


While im able to connect to the phpliteadmin interface it does not show any database.
Creating a database over the phpliteadmin interface shows a path /db/testdatabase_sqlite.
Looking in to my node-red container i do not have a /db folder. So I think the node-red-data path of the two containers are not linked.
I can't find resources online. Is there a better way to get a db admin tool for sqlite beside node-red?
Is it even possible to link a containers volume to another?

Hello @novski

May be a start, look at the end of my post to see where the files are.

On the other hand I don't understand your volume mapping in the yaml of the phpliteadmin container?

For example, when I created my SQLite database, it is by default under /var/www/html/database/xxxx.db
Not under /data

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