Hey Guys...
After a LOT of reading up... (that amounts to more than a paragraph for me...LOL) ... I have come across node-hid
... Managed to get it installed, but now need to find out how to use it from Node-Red
The initial bits seem to work:
$ npm install -g node-hid
$ hid-showdevices libusb
$ hid-showdevices hidraw
I can see from a terminal session the addition or removal of a hid device, so things are talking in the background....
Crunch .... That's where my knowledge ends....
The little bit I did with a crc16Xmodem function node kinda lets me think that I can incorporate the hid functions in a similar manner, but way I'm out of my comfort zone....
I think I am on a "possible" track, but hey.... Does anybody have a gps and a white stick to lend me?
Many thanks...