I have made a cheap multi Air sensors project using ESP8266 , 1.8" TFT.
I have used Node-red to upload the sensor data to mysql db from Mqtt.
The ASAIR AEM1000 is a cheap alternative. The data it provides is calibrated from factory. We can fetch the data by modbus protocol either from Uart or modbus module.
AEM1000 Photos:
You have to transfer 2 resistors and remove 2 big resistors to use UART
Datasheet: http://www.aosong.com/m/en/products-78.html
I was new to this protocol, and not found a library for this sensor. I have chosen this library for this sensor :
Using the code :
//Note: Defaultly there is only MODBUS protocol supported on AEM1000
// You have to transfer 2 resistors as shown in image in the main page
// Create SoftwareSerial instance
SoftwareSerial modbusSerial(D1, D2); // RX, TX pins
ModbusMaster node; // Create Modbus master instance
node.begin(1, modbusSerial);
Reading Sensor Values
//The AEM1000 sensors registers are from 0-4 and size max is 4
const char *names[] = { "temp", "hum", "voc", "co2", "pm2.5" };
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
result1 = node.readHoldingRegisters(i, 4);
if (result1 == node.ku8MBSuccess) {
data1 = node.getResponseBuffer(0);
//store sensor values in values[] array
values[i] = (int)data1;
//Print senor name and value
Serial.print(" : "):
} else {
//error fetching sensor data or corrupt data
To Calibrate Co2 (keep sensor in open air outside for 20 minutes and run this) :
//set co2 calibration to manual
node.writeSingleRegister(32, 0);
//set value 405 as co2 value of open area (natural air)
node.writeSingleRegister(33, 405);
To Check Sensor Status (If Sensor Working or faulty or unplugged)
const char *names[] = { "temp", "hum", "voc", "co2", "pm2.5" };
//The registers are from 11-14 (for same sensors register from 0-4)
for (int i = 11; i <= 14; i++) {
result1 = node.readHoldingRegisters(i, 4);
if (result1 == node.ku8MBSuccess) {
status1 = node.getResponseBuffer(0);
// Status : 0:OK, 1:Faulty, 3:Unplugged
const char *statuses[] = {"OK","Faulty","Unplugged"};
// Print Status
Serial.print (names[i - 11]);
Serial.print(" : ");
} else {
Serial.println("Error reading register");