Allow Events: State node "output on connect" option to start timers

My understanding is that when "output on connect" is selected, it will not start timers that would allow the node to signal if the "For" option is populated with a time.

I believe this would be good functionality to have, or at least some option to allow for it.

For instance I use the Events: State node to send a notification when say the garage door is open for more than 1 hour or if a node is missing for a day. If I restart in that time, the timer will not be reset and I will miss that notification entirely. I could workaround this in some other manner, but the pattern is very common at least for me and having the built in functionality would be really nice to have.

I do see it mentioned in the docs that it isn't supported:
"Warning: Output on Connect state changes will not start a timer."

This node is not maintained by node-red core team. You will need to ask either in the home assistant forum or on the nodes repository.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I have reposted here: Allow Events: State node "output on connect" option to start timers · zachowj/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket · Discussion #1692 · GitHub
Hopefully that is the right spot...

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