[ANNOUNCE] node-red-contrib-letsencrypt : beta version

So, I thought it was an opportunity to change domain registrars, so... I cancelled Ionos, and transferred my domain to 'NameCheap' because they are listed as having an api.

Wrong!! well sort of. When I tried to access their api, I got this message -

So back to the drawing board!

If you redirect the nameservers to Cloudflare from your registrar's own servers, you will get everything you need. I still do that with my .uk domains as I can't yet transfer those completely into Cloudflare.

Then it really doesn't matter which registrar you use. I use TSOhost for mine (used to be Daily but they were taken over).

Mine is also a .uk domain, and can't transfer it to Cloudflare either, but that's good news Julian. Once Bart decides upon a permanent contrib name I'll give it a try in a Oracle VM node-RED instance using Cloudflare.

I understand that very shortly, Cloudflare are starting to sell domains directly, instead of just accepting transfers. That should shake the market up :smile:

I liked Julian's proposal, but seems somebody already used node-red-contrib-lets-encrypt ...
So the new name for mine is now node-red-contrib-letsencrypt.

Be aware that I didn't have time yet to test all the DNS providers. So there might be some bugs ...


Just wish they would do UK domains too. But I have some non-UK domains transferred to them.

...you're missing a "t" in that new link -> "https://github.com/bartbutenaers/node-red-contrib-letsencrypt" :wink:

Thanks!! It is updated now. Otherwise I could have called my node now the node-red-contrib-error-404 :shushing_face:


Installing in a Oracle Linux VM instance...


node-RED log shows - Cannot find Acme Client node with id = 2e9616dc.9ec6e2

Node-RED version: v1.0.6
Node.js version: v10.20.1
Linux 4.14

Morning Paul,
Seemed it needed to be deployed before calling this server side functionality. However that is only required to create a subscriber account, not for a simple hash. It is now fixed on Github.


Yes that is now fixed.

However, I get a similar error when trying to Create Acme subscriber account. I get the pop-up asking to agree the terms, and when I agree, the node-RED log reports -

Cannot find Acme Client node with id = 2e9616dc.9ec6e2

Even when you have deployed your node first (as described in the popup)?

Yes. But I've found the problem. There was a format error in the Domain array (missing quote).
Corrected and now successfully Acme account created.

And you don't see any visual indication of such an error?

I think it would be more user friendly to subscribe with the info on the screen, instead of with the deployed data?

Still having problems I'm afraid. When I request a certificate, I get;


and in the node-red log;

21 May 08:56:02 - [info] [aedes broker:41b47ed.32a568] Binding aedes mqtt server on port: 1883
21 May 08:56:02 - [info] Server now running at
21 May 08:56:02 - [info] [mqtt-broker:9e0fbc51.f0a3e] Connected to broker: mqtt://
21 May 08:56:11 - [warn] [acme-client:Certificate Management] Acme warning message = dns-01 challenge's `propagationDelay` not set, defaulting to 5000ms status =
21 May 08:56:12 - [error] [acme-client:Certificate Management] Error in CREATE_CERTIFICATE : Error: HTTPError: Response code 400 (Bad Request)

It's worth pointing out that I don't already have any certificates in my server. Do I need to create dummy ones?

The domain being used is a sub domain.

No when private key setting is "use or create private key" then everything should be setup automatically...

Will need to debug this. Is there a simple znd quick way for me to setup and test a cloudflare connection tonight? Would be nice if I don't have to digg through 20 manuals... Or send me a private message if you like ... Thanks!

Yes, sure. I'll PM you the necessary later today.

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Is anyone successfully using this with Cloudflare. The DNS challenge is failing for me.

API token or Key?

Cloudflare API token, setup as per https://certbot-dns-cloudflare.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

There are access issues with the Token - what error do you get? I had to do something really odd to get it through the security model but I can't find what I did. They changed something as is stopped working. Basically you need to give the token access to everything.