[ANNOUNCE] node-red-contrib-simple-gate

After some discussion elsewhere on this forum (Gate node using Blockly - #10 by Foukk), I have published my take on controlling the flow of messages along a particular path, node-red-contrib-simple-gate. There are lots of ways to do this, but I think a dedicated node with some flexibility might be useful. From the help text, this node

Transmits the input message when in the open state and blocks it when closed .

Messages with the topic Control Topic are control messages, which set the state of the gate. Control messages can have values representing open , close , toggle , and default .

When first deployed or after a default command, the gate is in the state defined by Default State .

The node can be downloaded from npm, GitHub, or the palette manager.


Works like a charm :+1: .. well done.. simple but effective

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:. I hope you find it useful.