[ANNOUNCE] Node-RED Desktop v0.9.1 Released

Hi all,

I have released Node-RED Desktop v0.9.1 .

Version 0.9.x bundles Node generator and npm commands(npm link and npm install).

These will help you ease to create a custom node on GUI.

How to create a custom node

  1. On deployed flow, select a function node, and [Tools]-[Generate a custom node].
  2. If nessesary, update created files,
  3. [Tools]-[Install a local node]

If you have interested in Node-RED Desktop, Please try it.



What is Node-RED Desktop

Node-RED Desktop is a desktop application of Node-RED for windows/mac.

You can

  • easily setup Node-RED on your desktop.
    • with one click installer and auto updater
  • quickly create and discard a flow many times.
    • with standard file menu.
  • easily publish the public HTTP endpoint and integrate with cloud services.
    • with embeded ngrok.
  • easily create a custom node
    • with node-red-nodegen, and bundled npm commands

And also,

You can use almost all powerful and useful Node-RED features


When running your Desktop version - I notice the port that it is running on changes each time I run it


Can this be made a fixed port number?

You can fix the port number with environment variables.


Ref https://github.com/sakazuki/node-red-desktop/wiki

That is amazing.

Good to know it can be fixed :slight_smile:

But my main use case for Desktop Node-RED is in a school where setting an environment variable would be difficult to do.

Could it be modified to use a config text file in the program folder?


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Or in settings?

Since there are occasional requests to fix the port, I make it configurable in settings.

Maybe in next release.