[Announce] node-red-zte-sms

This one is a bit specific but nevertheless if someone has a ZTE LTE USB modem stick lying around (I tested this with model MF79U), this node might come handy to send SMS notifications to your phone.

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Thanks for the contribution @ziga

Just a few small things:

Having a quick look at the code - May I suggest having the recipient be overwritten from say msg.recpient if it exists? I can imagine a Node like this can be used to address different recipients.

Lastly I would change this.

 if (!config.phoneNumber || !modem) {
        node.status({ fill: 'red', shape: 'ring' });


 if (!config.phoneNumber || !modem) {
        const error = 'Missing configuration, and / or recipient'
        node.status({ fill: 'red', shape: 'ring', text: error });
        // send(msg); /* Don't propagate */
        done(new Error(error)); // If done is called with an error, then it will trigger any ā€˜Catchā€™ nodes

Just some Constructive feedback - again thanks

Thanks @marcus-j-davies make sense yes.

You can define phone recipient number also through incoming node message instead of defining it in properties, by adding recipientNumber key.

  payload: "your payload",
  topic: "your topic",
  recipientNumber: "123456789"

Node status warning also added if configuration is missing.
Published version 1.0.2 where these changes are made.