Anyway to remove the "1880" from the node-red url?

Also most (probably all) routers will allow you redirect incoming port 80 to port 1880 on the server.

There are many possible ways to do this.

For internal access and running on a box that does not have a web server on it, then it should be as simple as changing the port from 1880 to 80.

This does leave you with a problem regardless of what port you use as the admin interface is on the same port and all the user needs to do is remove /dashboard and presto they are into the admin interface and if you have not setup a password then good luck stopping the users playing around.

For external and internal (my setup), you should use something like IIS for windows or nginx for linux and setup a reverse proxy to listen on port 80 and have node-red behind it. There are many benefits to doing this like offloading SSL, hiding the admin interface and restricting access.

CLIENT WEB BROWSER --> nginx Port 80/443 (SSL) --> NODE-RED Port 1880
CLIENT WEB BROWSER <-- nginx Port 80/443 (SSL) <-- NODE-RED Port 1880

There are many resources out there that will help you quickly setup a reverse proxy.

Hope this helps.

A redirect works here:

Put this into a file named index.html and put it in the html folder. (I am using Ubuntu and the html folder is here):


Now, when I go to, I am redirected to

<! -- Redirect to Node Red Dashboard  -->
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<meta name="generator" content="WYSIWYG Web Builder 15 -">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=">
<div id="wb_Heading1" style="position:absolute;left:46px;top:19px;width:522px;height:69px;z-index:0;">
<h1 id="Heading1">Redirecting to</h1></div>

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You can, of course, move the admin interface to a different path. And if you have users who you don't want to have access to the Editor then you must apply login security anyway.

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