Auto clear debug panel's content on deploy?

Is it possible to auto delete debug panel's content when I click on Deploy?

Hi @hbb999

Its a very valid comment - but I don't think it is.

A lot of deploys are based on comparative outputs during development , so it may not be ideal to most

You could probably create your own plugin to do this if you wanted to.

I don't know that there is an official way to clear the panel though so you might have to track down the function that is called when you click the button in the panel and reproduce in your plugin.

There is an event for deploy so that part is certainly doable.

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I am soo waiting for someone to suggest:

msg.clear = true 

on the debug node to allow purging the debug pane


when you can :wink:

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errr - so any node sending msg.clear = true would clear the whole panel for everyone.. errr no, never, no thanks.


(but indeed as you originally suggested it was never done so you had history for comparison - but yes could be a personal preference on deploy I guess)


Uuhh... yeah maybe not the best idea of mine :grimacing:
I like the idea of the preference approach, and have it per user.

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hmm - preference - per user - not just a simple setting then.
(see other thread on debug enhancements - Debug show full message as default / configurable)