Balluff BAV002N module RED node pallette install problem

I connect the module LAN2 port ( static address ) to the home router. On the web browser select address:50000 and through the menu select to instal pallette. Notebook is connected to the network by wifi adapter. Allways I got the installation failed status. I am trying to install pallette "node-red-contrib-s7" through the web page "module addresss:50000" but still getting an error log:

2024-05-04T05:28:48.039Z Install : node-red-contrib-s7 3.1.0

2024-05-04T05:28:28.293Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --no-fund --save --save-prefix=~ --production --engine-strict node-red-contrib-s7@3.1.0
2024-05-04T05:28:30.166Z [err] npm
2024-05-04T05:28:30.168Z [err]  WARN
2024-05-04T05:28:30.169Z [err]  config production Use `--omit=dev` instead.
2024-05-04T05:29:55.958Z [err] npm
2024-05-04T05:29:55.959Z [err]  ERR! code EAI_AGAIN
2024-05-04T05:29:55.961Z [err] npm ERR! syscall getaddrinfo
2024-05-04T05:29:55.961Z [err] npm ERR!
2024-05-04T05:29:55.963Z [err]  errno EAI_AGAIN
2024-05-04T05:29:55.972Z [err] npm ERR! request to failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN
2024-05-04T05:29:55.980Z [err] 
2024-05-04T05:29:55.981Z [err] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
2024-05-04T05:29:55.981Z [err] npm ERR!     /data/.npm/_logs/2024-05-04T05_28_29_964Z-debug-0.log
2024-05-04T05:29:56.003Z rc=1

Thanks for help.

Hi @mikluk

It really is simple as it states, the Node-RED (backend / not the browser) cannot access the internet.

Does the "Balluff BAV002N" actually have Node-RED installed inside it?

Hi Steve,

yes Node-Red is installed in the module. I just follow instruction from Balluff engineer ( one module he installed that way .... ). It is not clear for me how. Some printsreens are included.

Thank you.

The browser on your computer has internet access (so you can see what modules are available) however, the device that actually runs node-red does not have internet access - node-red core (the part running on the device) needs internet access to pull and install modules. Is that clearer?

The fact, that module needs internet access, is clear for me. What is not clear, is the way how to do this ( I have made everything as that enginner told me ). Module is connected to the router, notebook is connected to the router, but the installation of the pallette is not working. How can I check if the module is able to access internet? Only thing I made is blocking of the firewall. Is there any other way hove to install that pallette. There is an upload of .tgz file possibility, but I did not find any uploadable file o the internet.

Clearly something is not quite right. Perhaps the IP settings of the LAN port you have connected to the router. I'd suggest you set that port to DHCP and let the router give it a valid IP and gateway. Failing that, the device probably has IPTables or UWF or similar firewall.

As for uploading a tgz, see this: Can't install node-red-contrib-chart-image - #4 by Steve-Mcl

Thanks for your time Steve. I was not able to upload the pallette even I download zip file and convert to tgz format. Finally, I changed settings of my network to fit LAN1 ( factory static settings ) of Balluff module and all is working. Problem solved.