Best way to handle ssh keys for node red?

When using node red project and git, you need ssh keys for remote connections (for example to github). With individual node red users, each user needs their own ssh keys. When I run an install script on raspberry pi to install everything (install docker, then clone repo and make image and container), I also need a ssh key.

What is best practice and the smartest solution here? Should I add ssh key for my own github user to install script (which will be placed in linux ssh location)? And then, when node red starts, should each user add their own ssh key? Or have the install script apply the same ssh keys to each individual user in node red? Or something else?

I'm tempted to use github deployment key because it's stored in the repo and not for each user. But not sure if it handles submodules since that seems the way to go because node red handles each project as a separate repo.

I would like to avoid adding passphrase to the ssh keys, but perhaps that's a bad idea since these keys will be thrown about and end up on many different machines used by multiple people? Or potentially someone might steal a raspberry pi and then get all the ssh keys?