Bigger font size for 6" touchscreen

I am scaling down a dashboard for display on the 6" Pi touchscreen. I started by increasing the 1x1 widget size to 64x64 pixels. I then added a template to increase the font size and icon size.

<style> {
    font-size: 40px !important;
md-sidenav > md-list > md-list-item{
    width: 400px !important;
ui-icon {
    font-size: 24px;
.md-toolbar-tools h1 {
    font-size: 40px !important;

I still have a few problems:

  1. The text size for button labels did not increase in size.
  2. The side navigation bar is not wide enough. I increased the width, but I just end up with a horizontal scroll bar.
  3. I have a ui-table and don't know how to increase the size of the text in the columns and headings of the table.
  4. I have text input and while the label gets bigger, when you try to enter text it is clipped off.



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