Bluetooth devices scanner

Dear all,

I am trying to do an application that be able of scanner each "x" second the devices around (vía Bluetooth), and then Get in a list all the devices finded.
I am using a raspberry pi 4 with Ubuntu 20.04 and
I have had testing with some node but i cant Get What I want... I mean, I scan but I only Get in payload one device instead of the 4 or 5 that I can find with my smartphone...
I used the node # node-red-contrib-noble-bluetooth,
Some idea about What I am doing wrong?

Many thanks by avance!

What is your target? Are you scanning for phones or other devices (with fixed mac addresses) like beacons?

My target are scanning for smatphones.

Then I would recommend that you use this "Monitor" solution below. I have been running it several years now and it is really working well. I use detection of smartphones (iPhones in my case) to interact with our home automation & video surveillance system. All parts integrated in NR. The "Monitor" supports MQTT, excellent choice for integration with NR

The problem with scanning for smartphones is, mostly not solved by most BLE scanning sw, that smartphones change their mac addresses randomly, making it impossible to track using that. The "Monitor" uses another method to overcome this. Just to mention, you get best result by using an external BLE dongle

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