BME280 Sensor Init failed ->Error: , Remote I/O error"

Hello !
I tried to connect this bme280

to my raspberry 4B. I get the following I2C adress:

Screenshot 2021-05-25 121912

When I want to get the data in node red. the following happens.

I don't know what I did worng. I uninstalled / installed the node "node-red-contrib-bme280", I tried to use other bme280 nodes, I made updates, I checked the connection, everything seems fine. When I start node red in the command prompt I get the same report.
I hope someone can help me. Best regards

In the documentation for the node there is this bit of advice:

Caveat : Check your permissions to the /dev/i2c-xx devices. The user running node-red need access to writing and reading. Refer to i2c-bus to find how to grant access to your user to the /dev/i2c-xx device files.

Is this maybe your problem?

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