Bug report: trigger node not passing the correct msg object

The master branch has been updated, the release has not.

(This isn't going to do my credibility any good but.....)

Ok. So the bug has been fixed at the github level, but it hasn't reached the level where it updates via the palette manager - yes?

I think that the trigger node is a functional node/part of node-red, don't think it installs separately via palette manager (not sure), but via a release.

But if you want to use all updates, you can clone the git repository and run it directly (not need to wait for a release). You could also only replace the code from the trigger node and update it in your currently running node-red instance for example (not a proper way but possible).


I'm a bit torn in what to do. Also surprised I hadn't found that bug myself either. Though I have to admit I don't use it much, so that is probably why.

For now I'll leave well enough alone.

It will only matter if successive messages to the Trigger node differ in contents other than msg.payload. That is not particularly common as they generally come from the same source. If the use case where the bug matters was common then it would have been noticed a long time ago.

Trigger is one of the core nodes so only updates when we release new versions of Node-RED. Luckily that will very soon. (fingers crossed)

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