Button name line break

If have a button that's made with the help of a ui_template in the dashboard.
That works perfect.

<md-button class="vibrate filled touched smallfont rounded" style={{msg.payload}}  ng-click="send({payload: 'Click'})"> 

If I send a message to the button msg.buttonname= "Hello world" , works also perfect.
But now I want Hello and world on 2 lines in the button an that is something I can't get working.
Tried msg.buttonname= "Hello\nworld" , msg.buttonname= "Hello"+<br/>+"world" and some varieties on this but without luck.
What I'm doing wrong, how do i get the line break correct in the message?

Material Design does not allow for multi-line buttons by default..

If I do like this in the ui_template, the text is in 2 lines. This suggest that it's supported, but how to get it in a message?

<md-button class="vibrate filled touched smallfont rounded" style={{msg.payload}}  ng-click="send({payload: 'Click'})"> 

You need to bind the incoming msg by adding ng-bind-html="msg.payload" to your button

Cool, that was the trick.

(Sorry this is an old thread....)


You need to bind the incoming msg by adding ng-bind-html="msg.payload" to your button

I have that problem and can't get what you mean by that.

In your button template you have to add ng-bind-html="msg.payload"
In this example below I have used msg.buttonname instead of msg.payload

<md-button class="vibrate filled touched smallfont rounded" style={{msg.backcolor}} ng-bind-html="msg.buttonname"  ng-click="send({action: 'Click'})"> 

Now the payload of msg.buttonname can contains html.

msg.buttonname = "Licht<br/>Badkamer"


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Oh, so it isn't a button node. But the template node.


Silly me!

I did not understand what and where to write. Can you provide an example code?