I am writing a node, which purpose is to forward its input via a HTTP POST request.
I use the node module 'better-sqlite3' to sample the input data, with the following columns:
ID, timestamp, feedname, value, uploadStatus
The uploadStatus column is updated, with a value indicating that the row has been uploaded correctly via the HTTP POST request.
Here I use the 'request module' for making the HTTP POST request.
My problem is, when I inject my node with data, everything is fine, except for if I inject some more data rapidly after each other. This results in that the last HTTP POST request callback function was not finished.
node.on('input', function(msg) {
var time = new Date();
value = msg.payload;
timestamp = `${time.getUTCFullYear()}-${time.getUTCMonth()+1}-${time.getUTCDate()} ${time.getUTCHours()}:${time.getUTCMinutes()}:${time.getUTCSeconds()}`;
uploadStatus = 0;
//Insert data into sql database, ROW_ID will increment by 1 for each datainput.
sqliteInsertValue(tableName, timestamp, feedname, value, uploadStatus);
The scenario is that, when the HTTP POST request is ongoing, it is possible to inject some more data, which means the SQL database is newer, than the current one. I want that data to be sent as well. Does anybody have an idea, how to handle that?