Can someone try this flow to see if the following plot is generated without the straight line

Thats extremely short for a flow, and it is corrupt as you did not use backticks.

I asked for flow not a single node.

Yes, I edited the comment above.

Your flow works for me with csv.

It must be something to do with your operating system.

I am using windows 10 . What would be the issue you think?

Possibly, i run on debian vitual machine on android.

take a look a WSL

Not much help I know but this also works on a Rasp Pi, and on Ubuntu running in VMWare on Windows 10. Your debug data looks the same as I am getting. What plot are you actually getting?

The only other things to check would be the version of Node-red & Dashboard you are using and can you actually get a Chart to work if you use other data.

Yes, I did try modifying the file and the chart works. It is just that it doesn't allow for the csv file generated by the application I am using in the background.

Here is the version of node-red and dashboard

You could try updating both your version of Node-red & Dashboard (current v1.26 and Dashboard v2.26). I must admit I don't know if this would make any difference. I used the file you provided (new 1.txt) and renamed it to new 1.csv and it worked (for both file extensions).

Is this an actual copy of the file you receive from your background application? i.e. do you get exactly the same Debug data?

Yes, it is exactly the same data 4320 points for u,y,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5.

Can you tell me how I could run an update for both node-red and the dashboard.

Assuming (dangerous I know) that you installed Node-red with npm, use : npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red

Look at the documentation here for more info: [Running on Windows : Node-RED](Running on Windows : Node-RED)

Updating Dashboard is easier; go to Manage Palette in the menu, scroll down until you get to node-red-dashboard and you should find buttons next to it, one of which should say update to *. You will then have to restart node-red.

Reading through the Documentation tab at the top of the page would also be helpful as a there is lot of useful information there.

Perhaps this background application is locking the file? Does the flow work if you quit the background application ?

The background application is not locking the file because I run node-red on a different computer where the application is not installed and the flow works.

Just because node-red runs on another machine does not mean the file can't be locked by the application.

Also, sorry if I missed this detail but... how do you read this remote file into node-red on the other computer? Have you verified (by sending the file data to a debug node) that the node-red computer can see and read the file?

I figured the issue is more to do with csv node Tab and comma set up.

Most likely the line endings character ?

It was more to do with the configurations of the csv node - when its tab it doesn't read .csv but a .txt

Is there a scale for the left-hand side and a scale for the right-hand side for plotting in the Node-Red dashboard?

Such that an amplification of the noise W1 can be shown for the graph below?

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