"Cannot GET/" No GUI

I cant access the GUI. Usually if there was an error, it would display after the / but there's nothing

For some reason, im able to access it on another pc on the same network but not locally?

  • how are you running Node-RED?
  • have you modified the httpAdminRoot property in the settings file? Or any other changes to the settings file?
  • any error messages in the Node-RED startup log?
  • how are you running Node-RED?
    Im on windows 10. I ran it through cmd

  • have you modified the httpAdminRoot property in the settings file? Or any other changes to the settings file?
    No editing of any file. The only troubleshooting iv tried is reinstalling node-red

  • any error messages in the Node-RED startup log?
    Nope. As far as i know, there's no errors here.

Also one weird thing is that I am able to access node-red using another a computer on the same private network. Don't know if that's related or not

In that case it is not a node-red issue but an issue with the machine it is running on accessing localhost. Does it work if you use
Also does it work if you use the IP address (or whatever you use from the other machine)?

Both localhost and will return the cannot get/ error

  • Also does it work if you use the IP address (or whatever you use from the other machine)?

Yes it does. I am able to access node-red terminal by using the node-red host ip.

To clarify, lets say machine 1 is running node-red and its ip is
I am unable to use machine 1 to view node red with localhost:1880 or
but I am able use machine 1 node-red from other machines by using

What browser are you using? Can you try a different one?

Hello @subwayfootlong ,

did you try http://localhost:1880/ui/?


What happens if - on machine-1 - you open a terminal window and use
ping -c 3
If it doesn’t work then something on the device is blocking access

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