Cannot access to node red

I am doing well with my raspberry pi 3 and node red but suddenly i cannot access node red on my laptop. and i reboot and run again node red it shows this.

"in use" means in use...could already be running.

but my IP address is something else , start with 172

yes, is the loopback address of the localhost.
You can try to access the 172.x.x.x:1880 address

i tried but is shows this on rpi

Because it is already running.
You don't need to start it.

but i could not access it on my laptop or rpi

Try a


followed by

node-red --safe

then try to access the ui.

i tried your solution, starting it does let me at least get into the website but after few minutes it stop responding and i retried the solution , it cant work anymore.

Do you have your Pi setup so that it's accessible from the internet?


sudo systemctl stop nodered

Then use node-red in your terminal.

yeah, i already used it for over a month, today suddenly stop functioning

it just keep loading and it wont get into the website

Is that in response to the question about whether you have opened your system to the internet? If you have then you have been hacked. Disconnect it from your network immediately.

Some possible reasons for being unable to access the editor include:

  1. The Pi now has a different IP address and you are not pointing your browser to the right machine.
  2. There is an infinite loop somewhere in your flows or with an external application like MQTT which occupies all of Node-red's time.
  3. There is a corrupt file somewhere in the Node-red installation.
  4. You have been hacked and the processor is overwhelmed doing the bidding of it's new master.

Some suggested actions

  1. Check by running ifconfig in a terminal window on the Pi. Clear your browser cache and try again.
  2. If this were the cause, stopping and restarting in safe mode would allow you in, at least until you click Deploy.
  3. Re-install Node-red using the installation script from NR Documentation.
  4. If as you say, the Pi has been accessible from the internet (not just your LAN) I think a hack is the most likely cause of unexpected behaviour. If this is the case you should disable that access, reinstall the entire operating system and virus check every computer you have.

I agree with @jbudd except that I don't think we have determined whether the failure happened when you did something. If it was working, then you modified the flow, and it stopped working when you deployed then the cause is probably #2. Start it in safe mode and undo whatever you did.

i want to run it in safe mode but it keeps telling me that the port in use

disable the access meaning?

opened my system to the internet means??? i mean i only connect my pi to the internet without sharing anything else.

when it says "Error: port in use", it means it is ALREADY RUNNING

Assuming you installed using the official PI script

  1. stop the node-red service: node-red-stop
  2. start it manually node-red --safe
  3. fix your flows
  4. deploy

If it runs OK, close the terminal and start the service node-red-start
If it crashes, copy the log and show us.