Cannot access to node red

Have you allowed EXTERNAL access INTO your Node-RED?
Have you opened ports on your router so that you can access Node-RED when you are NOT at home (i.e. from the internet)

And, did it stop working when you changed something?

Your screen capture shows that even after you stop nodered, something is using port 1880.

Please run these commands in a terminal window on the Pi and show us the result:

sudo netstat -aon | grep 1880  # This shows what application is using port 1880
sudo systemctl disable nodered   # Prevents Node-red automatically running at boot
sudo systemctl stop nodered              # Stops nodered
sudo systemctl status nodered          # Shows nodered status
sudo netstat -aon | grep 1880

When it is not running, the result you want to see from systemctl status nodered is

● nodered.service - Node-RED graphical event wiring tool
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nodered.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)

Note "disabled" and "inactive"

Well spotted - potentially another terminal where they ran node-red?

Because node red is hung out may take some time to stop.
After telling it to stop run
systemctl status nodered
Until it says it is stopped.

still same

i dont think so, i only open node red when i open my raspberry pi

insert the command according to urs

tried node-red --safe after some time and it still shows that port in use

I think CLOSE_WAIT shows that the port is being kept open for some connected process which is not responding. Most likely browser windows. It should timeout after 4 minutes.

So leave the Pi alone for 4 minutes and run the netstat command again. If there are no more CLOSE_WAIT lines then you should be able to start it in safe mode.
While you wait, reboot your PC.

Can we clarify the question of your Pi being accessible from the internet:
Have you ever made any changes in your network router to "forward" port 1880 so that you can access Node-red when you are away from home?

alright i will wait a few minutes..

i dont think so, all i did to this raspberry is only changing the static ip address, while in the coding part i use the MQTT, others i think is default

when i reboot the raspberry and type the command, it looks like nothing is using the 1880 port

Presumably you then tried running node red again in safe mode?

yeah! i try and i finally can get into it... i guess i did not fully stopped the node red ...

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