Can't start node-red 4 after re-install on pi zero w

After several tests I made the conclusion that

  1. NodeJS v18 is the latest version, that will run under Rasberry Pi OS "Buster".
    This is, because of the GLIBC version, that does not support NodeJS v20.
  2. Probably NodeJS v20 will run in Rasberry Pi OS "Bullseye" or "Bookworm" (Not tested).
  3. Node-RED v4.x.x will not run on a Raspberry Pi with armV6 architecture.
    So it will not work on a Pi 1 or Pi Zero.

Currently Node-RED version 3.1.11 is the latest v3 version.
You can install it as follows:

bash <(curl -sL --nodered-version="3.1.11"

This version runs fine on a Pi1 with Rasberry Pi OS "Buster".

So, what you have installed now is the correct version (3.1.11) and is also the latest possible version on a Pi Zero with armV6 architecture.