Pi Zero W fail to install Node-Red

Hi, I am trying to install Node-Red to my Raspberry Pi Zero W in what would be a no events simple instalation but that somehow is not working.
I did this same install a couple of weeks ago with no incidents.
So I prepared the memory card with a headless PI os using the PI imager.
Updated and upgraded.
Initiated the installation using the the script at Running on Raspberry Pi : Node-RED
And after the installation finishes, before it ask configuration questions I get the following message:
/dev/fd/63: line 814: 32530 Illegal instruction $SUDOU /usr/bin/node-red admin init
chown: cannot access '/home/pi/.node-red/settings.js': No such file or directory

pi@PiZero:~ $ ls /home/pi/.node-red/
node_modules package.json

Assistance welcome.

I believe there may be a problem getting Node-red v4 to install on these old Pies.
At least I have not got it working yet.

Can you try to install it again using

bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered) --nodered-version="3.1.9" --node20
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I have re-opened this to note that the script has been updated and will now install the latest node red and a valid version of nodejs on old Pis.

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It will work, no problems.

I run Node-RED 4.0.2 on my very first Raspberry Pi, RPi 1B.
NodeJS: v 20.15.0
Npm: v 10.7.0
Raspberry Pi OS: Bookworm

Used the default install script.

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Excellent, I wasn't sure if there was a problem with nodejs 20.

I had some trouble on that Raspberry Pi 1B, when it was running Raspberry Pi OS Buster, due to a wrong version of GLIBC. That caused, that I could not install NodeJS Version 20 and had to install Version 18.

Now, after an OS upgrade to Bookworm AND the modified install script, everything installed fine.

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