Changing the date and time format

I am having trouble changing the date format for my chart, I am stuck with the following way:

Can I change to 24/07 15:40 instead of the way is currently displaying?
Another problem, how can I input the current Day/Month/Year below the chart?
Following the example bellow:

I edited on paint the way I want it.

Another problem I am having, can I input the current hour and next hour from current hour below my gauge?
Like the following example:

The "Format" option allows you to select from a few of our pre-defined options, or define your own using Luxon tokens.

A couple of options here:

  1. "UI Text" node, set the alignment to central, and then inject a message (which by default will the current timestamp), wire it to a function node, and use JavaScript's Date object to compute the relevant string.
  2. Create your own ui-template node and use the in-built Data object to render it straight into the <template /> code.

It's not currently possible to update these at runtime, i.e. via msg injection - however it will be coming soon: Modify/Update UI-widget parameters from external · Issue #833 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub

We're working through all node types to ensure this is supported across the board.

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