Check if value is inside array

hello every one

i would like to create a function to chek if a value is inside array i d this but is not working

Can you copy the data using the "Copy Value" button


and paste the msg data into a reply (inside a code block).
It is hard to recreate data from a screenshot.

Also, please dont post pictures of code (they are not searchable and most people wont re-type your code to help you solve it)

Thank you Steve .... i did thisfor now, i'm really new on node-red but looking in the forum i had lot of help


var Pippo ;
input = msg.payload;
 var vroeg = input.includes("06h00-14h00",0);
var late = input.includes("14h00-22h00",0);
if(vroeg === true) {
    Pippo = 1;

if (late === true){
    Pippo = 2;

msg.payload = Pippo;

return msg;

where is this data being generated? It is most odd!

Anyhow, you can use the Array.find function to search an array of objects.


let pippo
const input = msg.payload
const vroeg = !!input.find(e => e[''] === '06h00-14h00')
const late = !!input.find(e => e[''] === '14h00-22h00')

if (vroeg === true) {
    pippo = 1

if (late === true) {
    pippo = 2

msg.payload = pippo

return msg

the data are generated in a sheet of excel i reading a woorkbook if i found this data i will send to a Siemens plc to start warmup of a gloe machine

The data object is not really very valid as an object. That's why your includes doesn't work. You are looking in the array for a string but the array contents are objects with a very odd key "".

I would suggest fixing the Excel data output.

thank you very much for suggestion, i just used the function from Steve and is working

thank you very much again

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