'Connect Socket Failed' error when trying to send a message through LTE modem (SIM A7670C) via HTTP protocol

I am trying to send a message using my lte modem (SIM A7670c) to cloud. I am interested in making use of the http protocol for achieving the same. I also set up a node red flow as shown below. I tried sending http request using the modem's at commands, but it responds with an error - 'connect socket failed'. To refine the issue to the modem or node red or server, I made use of MQTT protocol instead of HTTP and just replaced the 'http in' node in the flow to a 'mqtt in' flow. The message sent using at commands was received. So, I think its safe to presume that the modem is working just fine. Then, I used Postman to a HTTP request to the same url and I was able to notice the requests in the debug panel of the node red flow. I have also tried to send HTTP request from the modem to ThingSpeak instead of NodeRed and it works. But, how does this error occur when we try to connect the modem to node red. I have done multiple attempts and wasn't able to get over it. I have attached the AT commands I have used.

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