Connect to raspberry pi gpio pins that's not running node-red

I would like to know if it's possible to have a raspberry pi (or cluster of Pi's) on a network that you can still communicate to and utilize the node-red gpio flows?

The raspberry pi with the gpio pins being used would not be running node-red as it's already on a different server. I would like to add additional raspberry pi's to the network once one's gpio pins have been used.

look at the node-red-node-pi-gpiod node -
this uses pigpiod which can run on Pi's not using Node-RED but can be driven by a remote pi.It does use a fairly raw tcp socket though so I hope this is isolated from the internet.

So I could follow something like this ->

Just use the PiGPIOd nodes instead?

errr - no that is using a DHT sensor attached to the pins - not generic gpio.
pigpiod only allows use of gpio pins for in, out, servo, pwm.
If you really need to run a DHT sensor remotely (though they are not very accurate so not recommended) then I really would suggest running Node-RED on that Pi as well

Okay, that makes sense.

So a simple pushbutton would be suitable for this?

Yes it would be fine