I have NodeRed running with about 18 Tuya lamps and all is well with that setup.
I'm trying to add some Tuya TRVs. It is working fine from the Smart Life App.
With the help of various threads, I've found a very convoluted way of discovering the DPID's needed, but when I create a tuya-smart-device node configured with the correct Virtual ID, Device Key and IP Address, I get the following 3 debug messages;
Error from TuyaDevice, ShouldTryReconnect = true, error = {}
Error: Error from socket: connect EHOSTUNREACH
connectDevice(): An error had occured with Tuya API on connect method :
The EHOSTUNREACH message suggests that the TRV isn't listening, but the ECONNREFUSED suggests that it is listening, but not willing to connect?
With Lamps and other Tuya devices, this connects fine, so I'm baffled as to why it won't connect to a TRV.
The only thing I can think is that the lamps are mains powered, but the TRV is a low power battery unit, so the TRV may be in a sleep mode hence not connecting reliably, but if I run Home Assistant and link my Tuya account, it finds, connects and controls the TRV no problem.
I could move all of my NodeRed config into HA and accept that as a solution, but I'd much rather run just NodeRed if possible.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.