Hi, I currently have a msg.payload that is a number, for example 51.571372, which is a latitude from a GNSS device (GPS and Glonass etc), which jumps around a lot, being to 6 decimal places, the last of which is less than a meter I think.
I thought I’d use Node Red Contrib Calc to reduce the number of decimal places but instead of one number I think it wants an array: eg.
51.571372, 3
Where 3 is just how many decimal places I want. In the setup of the node is a selector of how many decimal places to output. I’m tempted to just select average and 3 in the setup node, but is there a simple way to turn a number into an array of numbers? Maybe a change node where I set msg.payload to the value of msg.payload, 3? Or a template? There must be a simple way to do this I have not found.
Not sure what you mean by an array of numbers but you can round it to 3 decimal places with Jsonata in a change node:
Thanks. I only meant array as in the standard programming way. I have installed that node instead of a calculator node.
maynot be simple, but this should give what you are expecting.
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