Copy Node-red installation


We are using Node-red al lot and most of the basic flows are the same. As will be admin passwords, security settings and _settings file settings.

Is there an easy way to copy a whole Node-Red installation from 1 (windows) device to another one?
I now about electron-node-red, but for some reason I keep getting build issues. Which I can't seem to wrap my head around.

Install node red on the new system, then copy the whole of the .node-red folder across except the node_modules folder. Go into that folder and run
npm install
Then start node red and watch the console output. It will tell you which flows file it is looking for. If it is looking for the wrong one then either rename the file, and the associated cred file, or change settings.js to point to that file.

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That was easier then expected :smiley:

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