My rain sensor measures rainfall in a 10 minute interval. The number of millimeters is sent every 10 minutes via LoRaWan (TTN) to NodeRED in the format payload.neerslag (like 0.55 mm).
I want to display what the precipitation is per day and therefore I want to use the aggregator node to add up the rainfall of 10 minutes each over 24 hours. Unfortunately that doesn't work well, the debug output is always NaN.
I have not used that node, but I suspect it needs the value in the payload rather than in an object in the payload, if so then insert a Change node to move the value into the payload.
No that is setting msg.payload.neerslag to contain a string "neerslag"
You want to Move msg.payload.neerslag To msg.payload
Then feed it into a debug node to check it is working.
After I tested the change node in all kinds of ways, it was not possible to convert the payload into a clean value (the precipitation, in the picture the value in mm 1.1176). That will most likely be due to my lack of knowledge so I hope someone has a solution.