alguien tiene una idea de como conectar bacnet a yabe.
la instancia lo saque de yabe
me sale error... alguna idea?
alguien tiene una idea de como conectar bacnet a yabe.
I have used YABE...but node-red is not a server device (if remember correctly). I need a device server to communicate with YABE or node-red.
No le entiendo mucho a lo que dice , a qué se refiere?
With the bacnet node is only possible read and write the value on a bacnet devices.
In the bacnet configuration you must write the Instance of the physical device that you want to read or write the variable.
Sorry...maybe i have understand. I have undarstand that you have:
1 device bacnet
1 PC with yabe
1 PC (or the same with yabe) with node-red and node bacnet.
You want read a present value of a bacnet object in device bacnet.... correct?
si 1 PC con node-red y node bacnet y yabe. si quiero leer un valor actual de un objeto bacnet en bacnet del dispositivo yabe.
Aquí la configuración...
Yes....and I don't understand the problem....
eso estoy tratando de hacer !!!!
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