I have been asked to create a dashboard to plot the function y=3x+x^2 on a graph. I am really struggling to find anything on line that shows a step by step on how to do this. The stuff I did find seems to skip the details. can anyone help with this? thanks in advance
again .. we will not do your university assignment
but if you want to get something like this
you need to prep the math calculation in a function node
and than send it to the chart

thank you,
yep I appreciate that genuinely want to learn it properly. the dashboard above is the path that i am trying to go down, but cannot get it to generate the graph. I assume that the function needs to be written in script in the function node? maybe I am getting the syntax wrong. I have also tried the the combi curve node but I'm having a similar issue with input.
correct .. in the function node you have to generate an array for X and Y coordinates by using javascript
read here for the array requirements
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