THanks to your reply Steve-MCL,
You are right. my values come from 2 different wires into the function.
So if i understand well, I use a join node. I pluged my 2 wires, and I've only one message, so this step is okay. i've short 70 in my debug node.
So now, how to make a message if this condition is not true ? I need to use a split node ?
I tried this
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"name": "Confirm",
"func": "//only accept OK msg's\nif (msg.payload == 'OK') {\n msg.payload = \"Stop\";\n node.send(msg);\n}\nreturn null;",
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"name": "Confirm",
"func": "//only accept OK msg's\nif (msg.payload == 'OK') {\n msg.payload = \"70\";\n node.send(msg);\n}\nreturn null;",
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"v": "COURT 70",
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But my message go again in output 2...