Creating blog site

i have followed steps in this guide for creating a blog site using MongoDB


After creating they are saying me to go to a webpage http://{username}
But if i go to that page i cannot get my blog site.

please help me

did you change {username} to your username in the line http://{username}

What do the debug / error messages in Node-RED say?

yeah i have created the user name as blog and i used

Initially I don't get any error. if i visit to the link http://{username}, I get the message "not found". After some time ,in the debug side bar, i get the message "mongodb Authentication failed"

That's the error to focus on. Have you checked your mongodb authentication details?

I recreated a new database, a new collection and a new user name and i used that.
but still i get the page as "not found".

please help me find out the solution.
