Current best Weather API (2024)

Do you have a link to these weather icons please ?

Looks like Material Design v7.4.47 (Which is bundled with the dashboard)

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Hi @smcgann99 ,

as @Paul-Reed mentioned, the icons are from

  • Material Design Icons (in-line with text)
  • the Moon Phases (Top/Right Icon) I have locally downloaded from Nasa public site
  • and some icons (Top/Left Icon) are provided as direct link from
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Nasa public site This is quite a nice explainer about the moon :wink:

I run locally for getting the mosmix forecast data.

currently with this docker compose file:

    command: wetterdienst restapi --listen
    restart: always
      - ""

The a have a requests node which query this url:,8.0&rank=1&date=2024-09-27T00:00/2024-09-28T00:00

The results are dumped into a sqlite table for further processing.

Here is the station list:

Since i live in Germany, i already pay them with my taxes :smiley:

Sadly, no use to me. The UK stations are mostly airports which are all in lowland areas. We are 200m+ up on the edge of the Pennines, weather can be dramatically different 1km away let alone the 50km to our nearest airports.

You can try to use the icon model? Its a 13km "grid" global and a 6km in Europe.

But right, the project is quite germany focused

What were your reasons for moving? Forecast accuracy / location, or API reasons?

Do they provide minutely rain forecast for next hour and hourly weather forecasts for next few days?

Does weathrr

Is that better than OpenWeatherMap in your opinion? How so? Do they do minutely / hourly forecasts etc?

for me is working consistently , where OpenWeatherMap and Open-Meteo were having request issues (e.g. server not responding, Aggregate error, etc)

I'm still having Open-Meteo active but I barely look at the minutely/hourly forecast and became my default as the hourly forecast is very accurate for me (as you can see in my earlier post )

Open-Meteo sample: