Customize UI-Form Inputs

Hello everyone, I would like to automatically convert numbers that I enter in a UI_Form Node to a special format.

I am currently entering different numbers in defined fields in the UI_Form Node:

Some numbers such as: parentIDSGTIN, parentIDSSCC and parentIDGIAI should be adjusted afterwards. I would like to solve this using a function. However, I cannot then bundle the values back into one file.

Is this even potentially possible?
So that I edit individual numbers using functions and then merge them again?

I'm not sure I have this right....

But you can set the values of the form elements, after its been submitted, if that is what you mean.
I'm pretty sure that you can modify the value for all fields in 1 payload

Dec-21-2023 11-51-20

msg.payload.parentIDSGTIN = `#SomeSpecialThing - ${msg.payload.parentIDSGTIN}`
return msg;
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