Hi, just happened to see the sw.js
service worker script contents that D2 uses and I noticed that it seems to include a link to Google Analytics?
If that is so, I believe you need to declare that clearly in the docs to meet EU (and, I think, California) privacy legislation?
In any case, I would like to see that either removed or clearly stated as something that is happening.
Thats not something I recall putting in, I'm not working til Monday, but will take a look ASAP
Update: I just sanity checked node-red-dashboard/ui/src/sw.js at main · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub and can't see any trace of GA references, are you sure it was there you saw it?
@joepavitt After looking into it, we haven’t intentionally added Google Analytics, but it seems to have been bundled with the workbox package. Need to investigate this further to clarify its inclusion.
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Pretty sure I think, this image from my simple test D2 page on my Windows dev PC:
Yes, I figured that was probably the case - Google up to their usual tricks I'm afraid.
Thanks for looking into it Joe. Best to deal with it now before it crops up in a production security review.
20 October 2024 20:22
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