Dashboard 1 - best-practice for capturing taps


I'm looking at an iot dashboard where the landing page will be a bunch of categorised information, where each information block will be tapable to drill down into configs and deeper info for that category.

an example (for a pool management system): the landing page has blocks for chlorine generator current, chlorine delivered since midnight, pH value, pump speed and pump current draw. the screen is 5" and each info-block will be presented as a piece of text (potentially I will use gauges for some data).

At the moment I am using text nodes but there is no ui control option for handling clicks on text nodes. Solutions I have considered so far are:

  1. use buttons styled to look like text nodes
  2. use text nodes and apply some jQuery to capture clicks then have a websocket pass back events which are then passed to a ui control node to move the screen.

are there better or more tried & tested/usual solutions for this please?

Actually any object can be made clickable on DB1.

See the technique here

thank you @hotNipi . I had no idea there was already a built in ways of doing that! Ideal!

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