Dashboard 2.0 Classic design multi needle gauge. Call for testing

I am still missing the point. Explain please?

To question 1, not two separate gauges but one scale directly under the other scale on the one gauge, then have the second needle point to that scale. Not good at art but if you need maybe I can draw something. Use case. Temperature varies from -40 to + 35 so that is a fairly large scale. What I would like to do is set the scale to something smaller that covers the temperature range but not overly. Then when the temperature range either goes up or down adjust the scale accordingly.
I would like to have temp and humidity on one gauge and multiple gauges for the different temp sensors. Since temp and humidity are very different have one scale for temp, one scale for humidity on one gauge.
the temp scale would adjust for the seasons, max temp in summer would be say +40, max scale in winter would be -20 but adjust weekly maybe. Haven't thought that one all the way through.

Do you mean one scale inside the other? So two concentric arcs?

Yep, sorta like this

You might want a non-linear scale for this. You need to work out what is most important. Of course, with digital, you don't need to be satisfied with a static scale! You might choose to switch scales depending on need. For example, you might mostly be interested in the comfortable temperatures where a small change can be easily felt but if the temp drops below, lets say -10, you probably only need to then know if the temp goes into more dangerous levels or comes up to closer to 0. But that's just for people. Machines or plants might need different scales again. Also in the more extreme negatives, humidity might be ignored - maybe.

Ah, delayed response from me, I see you've touched on that.

The problem with digital is you have to read the digits. With a gauge you look at the needle and get a very fast read. Of course you can color digits but I'm an old fart that likes the analog stuff better.
humidity is actually more important in winter as frost points and condensing factors are extremely important to know to adjust temps

I didn't really mean digital in that sense - my bad prose. I meant digital as in a computer display. :slight_smile: Reality can be much more flexible here, that's why I love it! :rofl:

I am not convinced that would work well, but it might I suppose. At the moment I am not inclined to do that. It would not be trivial I don't think and I think this may be getting into the realm of feature bloat.
I have raised an issue for making the range adjustable, though I am not sure when I will get round to doing it.

I understand time constraints but thought I'd throw this out for future considerations in case you hadn't considered it.
many years ago I had several gauges that had dual needles like in the picture. Haven't seen any in years though.

I have just released v1.2.0 with support for range min and max adjustment via msg.ui_update.min and msg.ui_update.max.

Also I have improved the situation to stop the needle being truncated by the bottom of the widget when the value is out of range. This was discussed somewhere but I cannot now find it.


Nice work Colin.
It would be good to see more options like this appear in the DB2 default nodes.

Dude, will put it through it's paces shortly.and thanks

Hammered on this thing for a couple of hours now and it seems to be rock solid. Haven't decided exactly how to implement this yet but it's on my short list.

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That's where Colin got the idea from - we have it for most nodes now, but recently re-structured the underlying API for performance and scalability reasons. All nodes should support this for all params in the next few weeks.

I was meaning 'more options like this', for example, in the chart node being able to use both left & right y axis, line width, line style, etc.

That's good to hear :+1:

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