Dashboard 2.0 Pre-Alpha Available

v0.0.7 - I'm still able to access my dashboard via https://mysite.co.uk:8443/ui/


I had to get rid of all my old configs and delete the config nodes and start again.

Though, interestingly, if I ask for /ui it automatically redirects to /dashboard.

There seems to be something odd going on, though. If I browse to /dashboard it says it cannot GET it, but if I browse to /ui it does get it, but shows /dashboard in browser address bar. Then if I hit F5 to refresh the page it says it cannot get it. I tried clearing the cache.

Yes, I already raised an issue on that Url redirect, refresh and crash · Issue #87 · flowforge/flowforge-nr-dashboard · GitHub

Apologies guys, did test this before, and didnt get those problems. If you are able to clear Dashboard 2.0 entirely, restart Node-RED, then reinstall D2.0, it should be okay.

The Node-RED http server is not do good at cleaning up URLs/routes, so it very easily gets in a muddle.

After clearing out and restarting and installing and creating the dashboard again, using the default theme, it is responding to /dashboard correctly, but the dashboard is just a solid blue panel. I have cleared the cache, restarted node-red and refreshed the page to no avail. This is the trivial flow

[{"id":"11c9b8ff6baa65e1","type":"debug","z":"6e4dd70a4b804955","name":"debug 14","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":500,"y":240,"wires":[]},{"id":"63ade228192423db","type":"ui-text-input","z":"6e4dd70a4b804955","group":"e6dd40c3f01b638a","name":"","label":"text","order":0,"width":0,"height":0,"mode":"text","passthru":true,"x":250,"y":160,"wires":[["11c9b8ff6baa65e1"]]},{"id":"e6dd40c3f01b638a","type":"ui-group","name":"Group 1","page":"4ed96cfaacc2a324","width":"6","height":"1","order":"","disp":true},{"id":"4ed96cfaacc2a324","type":"ui-page","name":"Page 1","ui":"04ee189a49c54f22","path":"/","layout":"grid","theme":"23aa79f4e489b044"},{"id":"04ee189a49c54f22","type":"ui-base","name":"UI Name","path":"/dashboard"},{"id":"23aa79f4e489b044","type":"ui-theme","name":"Theme 1","colors":{"surface":"#ffffff","primary":"#0094ce","bgPage":"#eeeeee","groupBg":"#ffffff","groupOutline":"#cccccc"}}]

[Edit] In developer tools I am seeing

I deleted my complete dashboard flow, config nodes & uninstalled the dashboard, followed by a NR restart - so starting afresh.
Installed the dashboard, and setup the group, and now I get exactly the same as you @Colin, just a blue panel.

Thanks both. My local dev environment working fine, but just tried as you have via the Palette Manager and see the same.

Something going on with socket events/connection when its being built/compiled (fyi @Steve-Mcl)

We will look at this early next week. Sorry again for the problems, and thanks again for trying it out.

Issue opened here: v0.0.7 Blue Screen · Issue #107 · flowforge/flowforge-nr-dashboard · GitHub with an explanation as to what's happening to cause it to break, but why is a different matter all together.

This is an ExpressJS thing really. I had the same issues with uibuilder. I ended up creating multiple routers and keeping an independent track of what gets applied where. Removing complete routers is easier than clearing the individual routes. Having a separate list of applied routes means that you can show them to users (with suitable metadata), something that is really quite impossible with just ExpressJS.

Getting blue screen too. This is the console error that keeps repeating:

Thanks Julian, I've recorded that on the GH issue. Thanks for giving it a go, and for the insights on ui-builder's routing!

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Just pushed v0.0.8 which should fix the problem

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v0.0.8 - Yes, the dashboard loads ok now.

The button however no longer works.
Clicking the button does not produce a payload.

After update, I am still getting the blue screen, no group or text input showing.

Clear browser cache?
And restart node-red

I did.
Just to be sure, I just restarted and cleared cache again, still blue screen

When the endpoint was changed, it completely messed up my dashboard, so I did the below, and v0.0.8 installed & loaded fine.

I had no dashboard flow and had reinstalled the dashboard.

Tried again after uninstalling again, now showing.

...:1880/dash/ - can not get page error as should be.
....1880/dashboard/ - fine shows dashboard
...:1880/dashboard/p1 - fine shows as p1 exists
...:1880/dashboard/p2 white blank screen no error shown, page does not exist. Should this not show the "can not get page" error.

[edit] After a few minutes node-red crashed, this time could not capture log as crashed console to.