Dashboard 2.0 Pre-Alpha Available

Do you have a fix for the blue-screen problem yet?

That was fixed for me some time ago. Under what circumstance are you seeing it?

Can't say I've been able to re-produce. As Colin mentioned, we did have an issue with that some time ago, but it did require complete clearance of Dashboard 2.0 nodes in the editor, and a re-install unfortunately.

on D1 we have the choice to display the data either in points or in time which I call "duration"

in my dashboard I am on 24h display of measurements
I know that we can do all this by sending the node an object msg.payload = {x: 10, y: 15}, but for beginner access, as said above, it's good to have this type adjustment.

Consider it added to the list: Add Duration Option to Charts · Issue #173 · flowforge/flowforge-nr-dashboard · GitHub

Thanks for flagging

1 Like

great :+1:

I suspect you are referring to when node root is set. This is fixed here: Fix dashboard not working when custom `httpNodeRoot` path is set by Steve-Mcl · Pull Request #167 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub
Unsure if that has been published to NPM yet though.

Will there be a check to prevent the configuration of two ui-base nodes with the same Path? It gets rather confused when that is the case, not surprisingly.

There certainly will, although likely some way off.

I had very ambitious plans with the ui-base node, which got put on hold (e.g. disabling the path setting) given the complexities with dynamic routes in ExpressJS which we use for routing.

Is there a simple hack that would prevent multiple ui-base nodes for the moment? I imported a flow and ended up with two, and it took a little while to work out what was going on.

If not then just a heads up to all to watch out if you import a flow, make sure you do not end up with two.

Curious where you imported from? I hadn't anticipated flows being published/available for importing just yet (but it's nice to see that it is!)

Where would you recommend putting such a warning? Open to suggestions based on where you've gone for your own information gathering.

Joe, IIRC, the config node should recognise it has a duplicate and set noerr to alert the NR editor of an issue. Then when the user attempts to deploy, they will get a warning and the option to click a button to reveal ill configured nodes.

EDIT: ok, so that is how the function node does it. In the default object, there is a validated prop named noerr - that is set/cleared as required to indicate an error. The same mechanism can be employed in the ui-base.

Here is how the MQTT node reveals a config node error...

node highlights problem somewhere


deploy also flags an issue

Search for... button shows invalid nodes


node reveals an issue with a config


opening the config reveals the issue


I imported the flow in this issue Issue: Button do not send a topic after deployment · Issue #170 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub

As I shared before I think.


Which is because httpNodeRoot is set and your link to the Socket.IO client library has ignored it.

Sorry, I replied before reading this Steve. No it has not yet been published.

Incidentally, the link from the sidebar also ignores it so hopefully that is fixed as well. :slight_smile:

Ah, that brings back memories! Bad ones!! I faced exactly the same issues developing uibuilder.

Roughly speaking, uibuilder does 3 things related to this.

  1. It keeps a separate record of all of the routers and their paths in an object. This gets round the issues of ExpressJS being utterly rubbish at that.
  2. It publishes an API endpoint that lets the editor query what URL paths have already been used. This is, of course, complicated by the fact that you may have them in 2 places. For deployed nodes and for undeployed ones. uibuilder keeps track of both.
  3. When copy/pasting or importing flows that contain a uibuilder node, the pasted node automatically blanks the URL path, putting the node in error so that users see something needs to be done.

Dashboard v0.4.0
Anyone noticed that the chart data line often overshoots the actual data point?
(The points are positioned at the correct value)


[{"id":"3ae226c1cdb40ba0","type":"ui-chart","z":"51a81bf279dcf161","group":"72d0d297dc80bc0f","name":"","label":"chart","order":6,"chartType":"line","xAxisType":"linear","width":"14","height":"8","className":"","x":610,"y":220,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"ae966f9fe2e16c8c","type":"inject","z":"51a81bf279dcf161","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":220,"y":220,"wires":[["c2acca6d1833d5d7"]]},{"id":"c2acca6d1833d5d7","type":"function","z":"51a81bf279dcf161","name":"function 1","func":"msg.payload = Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 - 50 + 1)) + 50\nreturn msg","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":420,"y":220,"wires":[["3ae226c1cdb40ba0"]]},{"id":"72d0d297dc80bc0f","type":"ui-group","name":"My group","page":"d3491e273d04f272","width":"15","height":"8","order":"","disp":true},{"id":"d3491e273d04f272","type":"ui-page","name":"Test","ui":"052a612d0e57bc06","path":"/","layout":"grid","theme":"792775d090ad7f74"},{"id":"052a612d0e57bc06","type":"ui-base","name":"UI Name","path":"/dashboard"},{"id":"792775d090ad7f74","type":"ui-theme","name":"mytheme","colors":{"surface":"#ffffff","primary":"#0094ce","bgPage":"#eeeeee","groupBg":"#ffffff","groupOutline":"#cccccc"}}]

Odd indeed! Wonder if this is a Chart.js v4 issue?

Not entirely sure we can do anything about that? (maybe change the line thickness?)

Thinner lines do look much better IMO, like the lines in my Grafana charts (currently 1pt)
