Dashboard 2: Does node-red-node-ui-list work?

I am currently transferring all of my dashboards from dashboard 1 to dashboard 2.

In one of the dashboards I am using node-red-node-ui-list. When I try to select the group where this list should be displayed, I cannot find the group on the dashboard 2 page. Does node-red-node-ui-list not work with dashboard 2? Is there a replacement or workaround? I am using it to display a list of entries (the list is populated by a function node), and by selecting one of the entries I do things with the entry that is sent in msg.payload.

@flowfuse/node-red-dashboard is at :1880/dashboard while the original dashboard is at <IP address:1880/ui.
Groups cannot be switched from one dashboard to the other.


@flowfuse/node-red-dashboard currently offers a dropdown node and a radio group node. Maybe one of these will do?

Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately neither a dropdown nor a radio group suits my needs.

I am dynamically populating my list, and in the list node I use checkboxes alongside with the labels in a way that the checkboxes are checked corresponding to the data I use for the list. So it can be that out of e. g. 10 entries in the list 3 checkboxes are checked. This is not possible with a radio group where only one Item can be checked. Same goes for the dropdown, there is no way to indicate active and inactive options.

So basically I really need the good old list node :disappointed:

Edit: Just discovered the multi selection in ui-dropdown which provides checkboxes. I will investigate in that.

I was going to recommend exactly this - let us know it that goes please

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