Dashboard 2 Event Node

Hi all, in Dashboard 2 I'm trying to clear some stuff when a client view the page. Hung a Event Node on the UI expecting to see something on its output but I see nothing. Is this the right node to use to do this? Thanks all.

Welcome to the forum @kpmn819

Can you post a very simple flow showing the issue so we can try it for ourselves. Just a very few nodes.

If you don't know how to post flows, see How to share code or flow json

type or paste code here

I hope I did that right. Anyway from the docs I assumed just putting the Event Node on the page I would get something into the debug, but there is nothing. So I'm looking to clear the text fields when someone accesses the page. Thanks much just getting started with Dashboard 2.

Unfortunately not!

Works fine for me.

You're definitely taking the correct approach. So may be a bug on the Dashboard-side - if you're able to share a flow, that'd be really helpful

My flow is exactly like Mike's so I'm doing something wrong on my end because I see no output from the debug node. Thanks for confirming that is how it is supposed to work.
Edit, Got It. Didn't realize I had to refresh the page, duh.

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