Dashboard 2 gauge water tank level visualization / wrong level displayed?

Using dashboard 2 gauge water tank level.
From here Gauge ui-gauge | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0 i got the impression that for 100% the water level would be at the very top.
I now set the gauge to 100% via input payload and get this:

To me this does not look like 100% but it reads 100%. Am I doing something wrong here?

This is for example how 12% look like:

Not much of a difference, only slightly.

Which browser are you using? As you mentioned correctly, for 100%, it should be a full tank, but i know we had issues with Firefox in the past, and i thought we had fixed it.

It is Firefox current version.
I just tried Edge and there it shows full level. So it is not working with Firefox.

Hi @joepavitt ,
I don't know if relevant here, I had issues with CSS styling in Firefox too, and it turned out to be related to style attributes being inherited in FF vs. being own properties in Chrome & Edge. For me, replacing hasOwnProperty with in solved the issue.

You haven't shared what is the version of the dashboard. If you have latest, I have to cut my Christmas mode and try to investigate why my fix doesn't do the thing....

Running 1.20 and I just saw there is 1.21. Will update to 1.21

20 should include the fix... But the updating is good anyway . Do clear the browser cache also after updated done.

It is actually working in 1.21.

Mystery solved.

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Christmas saved


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