Dashboard 2 HTTP Basic Auth

After reading through this discussion, I developed a straightforward plugin that adds HTTP Basic Authentication as an option for implementing multi-user functionality in the Node-RED Dashboard.

To use this setup, you'll need a reverse proxy configured to set the X-Forwarded-User header with the authenticated HTTP user.

This approach is likely one of the simplest methods for adding user authentication to your Dashboard, because you just need a Webserver.

For more details, you can check out the plugin here: @aikitori/node-red-dashboard-2-basic-auth.


Oustanding stuff @kitori

Hi sir,

  • How to create multiuser dashboard, without paying any cloud flow fuse auth
  • My requirements are: :node-red dashboard multi user and multi-tenant management

For now all Node-Red flows are common for all users, how do we make it work with certain flows and API specific to users or tenants.

  • How to create and track user sessions and the message exchanges between the dashboard UI and the backend

  • How to do we know that Suba or Logu is working on the UI at the backe

Could you provide any documents for regarding this?

If you need a complete, reliable user managment with an ui, you propably want https://flowfuse.com/.

For bring-your-own-user-managent, you can use the existing plugins or develop your own.

For how-to implement a multi-user Dashboard, a good startingpoint are the docs: Building Multi-Tenant Dashboards | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0

How to implement this is up to you. You basicly check for every incoming message e.g. who is pushing this button and then create an response based on the user and/or group.

The same approach should also work with UIBUILDER once v7 is released (soon).