Implementing Multi-User and Multi-Tenant Management in Node-RED Dashboard Without Enable FlowFuse User Authentication

  • I'm working on a project where I need to implement multi-user and multi-tenant management in a Node-RED dashboard.
  • The challenge is that I want to achieve this without enabling Flow Fuse User Authentication or relying on any external authentication mechanisms.
  • The challenge is that I want to achieve this without enabling Flow Fuse User Authentication or relying on any external authentication mechanisms.

Why the restriction? Authentication is hard. Providers exist to make your life a lot easier!

Where would you envision defining your users, their password, etc?

1 Like
  • I'm currently fine with using basic authentication, as my project is still in the development stage.

  • However, I'm finding it difficult to understand your YouTube video on creating a multi-user dashboard, especially since I'm a beginner.

  • Could you provide step-by-step documentation for this? It would be extremely helpful.

  • While using basic authentication, I'm able to retrieve the socket ID and IP address of a single user, but I am not able to retrieve user details.

  • Can we achieve a multi-user dashboard using basic authentication? If not, do we need to go with the paid version, such as FlowFuse, for user authentication in a multi-user dashboard?

  • Can anyone provide guidance on this?

There isn't a plugin available yet for Dashboard 2.0 that would pass through the Basic Auth data to the user object. We have guides on building plugins here if you're interested, and you can also see the source for some of the other plugins here too, e.g. CloudFlare or Authelia

There are other open-source authentication providers available: Building Multi-Tenant Dashboards | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0

The FlowFuse option is the most "out of the box" though, the others will require you to set up the authentication providers locally, etc.