Dashboard defaults and css

How can I remove the massive paddings in form fields (16px 12px ??) and change the font-size to something smaller ?

Also, the submit button is shown by default and also by default it is shown underneath the form (here also the font-size is way too big by default).

How can I hide the button or have it sit to the right of the input field ?

In addition - when configuring a 'group' - would it be possible to have background styling per group ?
Currently it is an overal setting that applies to each group, in this example I would want to have a transparent background as it is separate from the content.

If the target is to create form with one input field and submit button and having components in single row then :

Add class name one-line-form to the form
And a bit of CSS

.one-line-form .v-form{
    grid-template-columns:1fr auto;
.one-line-form .nrdb-ui-form-actions{
    margin-top: 0;
.one-line-form .nrdb-ui-form-row{
    margin-bottom: 0;

For sure the CSS added way later than the first rendering occurs thus there will be a layout shift.

Thanks, where can i put the css code ? I see that I can add classes to widgets, but where to put the actual css classes+code is a mystery.

An empty template node without any <template></template> section used to define just css with <style></style>, takes up space in the dashboard, is there a way to 'hide ' it but still use css ?

For CSS only there's dedicated template types. Use them and there will be no issue.

But if you really want to sail against the wind...

Add class for it hidden-template
And the bit of the CSS

    display:none !important;

It is useful for client side javascript

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Thank You.. it works!

Thanks a lot! I am getting somewhere, but removing the background color on a group seems impossible, because the variables seem to contain an !important tag that i am unable to override. Then again, the classes are an absolute mess, hard time navigating this hierarchy.

Show exact use case.
The important flag is not uncuttable stone.

hmm ok. I have multiple groups on the page and I want to remove the background+border from 1 particular group:

i see the class bg-group-background sitting there, but i cant seem to override it.

Edit that group
Add class for it

And the CSS (use one and only CSS template for such common CSS)

.transparent-group .bg-group-background {
    background: transparent !important;
    border-color: transparent;

ok this is weird, i had exactly the same, except for the name. Could it be a caching thing ?
works now, thanks!

Sometimes it takes to refresh the browser (multiple times) and stuff, specially if you play with CSS using the developer tools and leave it open ... I don't know exactly

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or just add the pre-defined d-none class (credit to @Steve-Mcl )

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I do vote with both hands for using already defined classes.

Mostly I don't have time enough to dig down to them to use in quick examples.
And they tend to have a bit cryptic names, thus some additional explanation may needed.

.gr-xl-11 {
   row-gap: 44px!important
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