How can I remove the massive paddings in form fields (16px 12px ??) and change the font-size to something smaller ?
Also, the submit button is shown by default and also by default it is shown underneath the form (here also the font-size is way too big by default).
How can I hide the button or have it sit to the right of the input field ?
In addition - when configuring a 'group' - would it be possible to have background styling per group ?
Currently it is an overal setting that applies to each group, in this example I would want to have a transparent background as it is separate from the content.
An empty template node without any <template></template> section used to define just css with <style></style>, takes up space in the dashboard, is there a way to 'hide ' it but still use css ?
Thanks a lot! I am getting somewhere, but removing the background color on a group seems impossible, because the variables seem to contain an !important tag that i am unable to override. Then again, the classes are an absolute mess, hard time navigating this hierarchy.
Sometimes it takes to refresh the browser (multiple times) and stuff, specially if you play with CSS using the developer tools and leave it open ... I don't know exactly
I do vote with both hands for using already defined classes.
Mostly I don't have time enough to dig down to them to use in quick examples.
And they tend to have a bit cryptic names, thus some additional explanation may needed.