Dashboard Element Custom css Style

I'm trying to understand how to attach a custom css style to a dashboard element. I can't seem to find the exact question & answer, so here goes...

In my NR settings file, I have added the css tag

editorTheme: {
        /** The following property can be used to set a custom theme for the editor.
         * See https://github.com/node-red-contrib-themes/theme-collection for
         * a collection of themes to chose from.
        //theme: "",

        /** To disable the 'Welcome to Node-RED' tour that is displayed the first
         * time you access the editor for each release of Node-RED, set this to false
        //tours: false,

        page: {
            css: "/home/pi/.node-red/customcss.css",

And my customcss.css file looks like this (it is in the specified folder)

.back-trans {
   background-color: transparent;

.back-white {
   background-color: #ffffff;

.back-red {
   background-color: red;

It does not seem to be having any effect, so I must be doing something wrong. Assuming my code above is correct, what goes in the '</> Class' box on the node configuration dialog?


The snippet of settings.js that you posted can be used to set a custom theme for the editor.
While you want to attach a custom css style to a dashboard element. Different places!

You need to put your CSS into a ui-template node, set as "Added to site head section"

.back-trans {
   background-color: transparent;

.back-white {
   background-color: #ffffff;

.back-red {
   background-color: red;

You might find that the background-color does not get applied unless you add !important..
If so you need to make the CSS selector more specific

Ah, that makes perfect sense. Thanks!
The addition to settings.js and separate css file aren't very portable.

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